Library FAQ: is genrefication worth it?
Yes, but make it ROYGBIV (plus signage downloads if you want 'em)
When it comes to my library, one of the things I am most frequently asked about is my genrefied fiction section: (1) is it worth it, and (2) what’s with the rainbow colors?
Note: My spellcheck does not want to recognize genrefication as a word and all the red zigzags are stressing me out. If I’ve committed any spelling crimes here, please forgive me.
Q1: is it worth the effort of rearranging your fiction section my genre?
100% yes.
In my experience, it yields a much higher level of independence for kids during checkout time, something that comes at a high premium in the time crucible of a 30-minute elementary school library class.
My fiction is broken into the following genres: